

1.        This is the fifteenth Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Report prepared by Cinotech Consultants Limited (ET-Cinotech) for the project “Lamma Power Station Extension – Supply and Installation of Submarine Gas Pipeline” (the Project).  This document reported the findings of EM&A Works conducted in April 2006.


Environmental Monitoring Works


Water Quality


2.        No water quality monitoring for the Project was carried out in Hong Kong waters in the reporting month.


Complaints and Prosecutions


3.        No environmental complaint and prosecution was received during the reporting month. 


Current Key Issues


4.        No construction activity related to the Project was undertaken in Hong Kong waters in the reporting month.

1               INTRODUCTION


1.1        Hong Kong Electric Co., Ltd. (HEC) proposed to develop a 1,800 MW power station in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) to meet the forecast increase in electricity demand to cope with the social and economical growth of the HKSAR. The proposed power station is located at reclaimed land in the south of the existing Lamma Power Station at the western edge of Lamma Island, termed Lamma Power Station Extension.

1.2        The proposed Power Station will use natural gas as fuel to generate electricity. The natural gas will be supplied from Guandong Liquefied Natural Gas (GD LNG) Terminal located at Cheng Tou Jiao of Shenzen PRC via a 20 inches diameter gas submarine pipeline.

1.3        HEC commissioned Saipem Asia Sdn. Bhd. (hereafter called “the Contractor) for the design, engineering, supply of materials, fabrication, testing at works, delivery to site, complete erection including pre-trenching, pipe laying, rock dumping, testing and pre-commissioning at site, preservation during the Defects Liability Period of Submarine Gas Pipeline under to Project titled “Lamma Power Station Extension – Supply and Installation of Submarine Gas Pipeline” (hereinafter called “the Project”). Cinotech Consultants Limited was subsequently commissioned by the Contractor as the Environmental Team (ET-Cinotech) to provide environmental consultancy services and to undertake the Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) works for the Project.

1.4        The Project works include Pre-Trenching works, Pipe-Lay installation, Post-Lay Trenching (Jetting) and Rock Dumping works related to the installation of 92 km of 20 inches diameter Submarine Gas Pipeline between Guandong Liquefied Natural Gas Terminal (GD LNG) and the receiving point at Gas Receiving Station (GRS) at South-West of Lamma Extension on Lamma Island of Hong Kong – SAR.  An Environmental Permit (EP) has been issued for the Lamma Power Station Extension project.  Variations to the EP requirements have been proposed recently for the Project works and the VEP no. EP-071/2000/C was issued on 18th May 2005. 

1.5        The Pre-Trenching works, Pipe-Lay installation, Post-Lay Trenching (Jetting) and rock dumping have been completed.  Pipeline discharge work is the major current activityThe hydrotest medium discharge was commenced on 30 April in Mainland China waters in accordance with instruction from HEC and the discharge license from the PRC Authorities.

Project Organizations

1.6        Different parties with different levels of involvement in the project organization include:

·       Project Proponent –Hong Kong Electric Co., Ltd. (HEC)

·       Contractor – Saipem Asia Sdn. Bhd.

·       Environmental Team (ET-Cinotech) – Cinotech Consultants Limited


1.7        The responsibilities of respective parties are detailed in Section 3 of the EM&A Requirements Review (Review) and the project organization chart is presented in Figure 3.1 of the Review. The key contacts of the ET- Cinotech are shown in Table 1.1.

Table 1.1     Key Project Contacts




Phone No.

Fax No.


Dr. Priscilla Choy

Project Manager

2151 2089

3107 1388

Mr. Kenneth Lam


2151 2078

3107 1388

Mr. Henry Leung

Monitoring Team Leader

2151 2087

3107 1388



2               Water Quality Monitoring

2.1        No water quality monitoring for the Project was carried out in Hong Kong waters in the reporting month.



Implementation Status of Mitigation Measures

3.1        The implementation status of mitigation measures is summarized in Appendix A.

Summary of Non-compliance of the Environmental Quality Performance Limit

3.2        No non-compliance was recorded during the site audits in the reporting month. 

Summary of Complaints and Prosecution

3.3        No environmental complaint and prosecution was received during the reporting month. 

3.4        The complaint log for the Project is provided in Appendix B.


4               CURRENT KEY ISSUES

Key Issues for the Coming Month

4.1        No key issue is anticipated in the coming month.  



5.1        No water quality monitoring for the Project was carried out in Hong Kong waters in the reporting month.

5.2        No construction activity was undertaken in Hong Kong waters in the reporting month.